Saturday, 27 August 2011

Morton's Neroma - growth on nerve ends in feet

This is painful in lesser and greater degrees, depending on the individual and how big the growths are. Sometimes they go on their own, but in some cases (like mine) the were around for 5 years and decided to have them removed... pretty painful right now and have to wait 6 weeks for the all clear and sure miss not running around, but know it will soon be over and I can walk around painfree once again

still have to wait for bandages and stitches to come out in another week.

my feet look like they have been mummified!!! :-) 

toes turning black from bruising from operation

Week Two: Not a pretty sight as stitches now taken out
Week Three: What a difference a week makes. 
Still walking slow and very limited .

Week Four: internal scar tissue needs addressing
 with much massaging.
Walking more now. 
Week Five: the hard work on massaging is paying off
and manged my first fairly brisk walk

to learn more, click on this link: Morton Neuroma

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